Saturday, May 3, 2014


‘Social Snipers’

I come to everyone/everywhere with the nth amount of due respect & love for life. Within this piece I wish to implement ’flipping the script’ on portraits in the ‘social art galleries’. Therefore at this time I wish to discuss ‘bullies’ & ‘bullying’….

All of the ideologies & analogies that follow in regards to bullies are based upon my own observations, concepts & from being the recipient of their extraordinary talents. There has been an enormous amount of social & media attention lately focused on this issue due to the amount of violence & suicides by youth & young adults. Bullying however is not just confined to youth & social venues they visit; you can also find it in the work place, board rooms, political pits, professional ‘arenas’, military & religious venues. Bullying is almost as old as mankind itself, passed down over the generations, centuries & millenniums.

They can be anyone, a sibling, parent, relative, neighbor, friend, teacher, preacher, fellow employee, boss, officer of the law, politician or an individual sitting right next to you. They come in all shapes, sizes & ages. Bullying is fueled by many factors some of them are; character weaknesses, ignorance, fear, low self-esteem, envy, greed & just plain meanness.

To a certain degree I am grateful for the character often displayed by Bullies…not for the impact that they may have on an individual, but because they freely & willfully expose their own presence, agenda & weaknesses. Unlike a ‘terrorist’ who merges quietly within their environment & social scene, you do not have to look under rocks or rattle a bush to find them. I consider ‘Bullies’ to be nothing more than ‘social snipers’.  However, when youth carry their ‘bullying ammo’ with them into maturity, they can become mass ‘serial haters’. They become so enamored with the ‘false portrait’ of empowerment that ‘bullying’ gives them, they point their fingers more & more at other individuals & fail to strengthen their own image & character. Today these cowardly ‘social snipers’ have a new venue in which to launch their desperate acts…the internet, but still their character weaknesses are exposed. You can find these Super Bullies & Serial Haters by going to the Southern Poverty Law Center site & clicking on their Hate Group map link. You may also check at the same time into cases which they are pursuing on behalf of children & youth within the education realms & bullying…they have a top notch anti-bullying project.

Homo Sapiens are of the Animal Kingdom, therefore during their existence they also often become the victims of a ‘pecking order’. It often starts as soon as we can walk & is often referred to as ‘sibling rivalry’. But when competition enters a stage of empowerment gratification it can be classified as ‘bullying’. Many may see this as a period of growth in strength & character…they fail to see the hidden scars & wounds that can take a lifetime to heal & actually stunt the growth they hope to create.

You will be hard pressed to make your journey on this plane we call life & not observe or be the recipient of ‘bullying’. Spring risings, dissensions & rebellions are created by the recipients of ‘sustained bullying’. Cruel words, sic jokes & acts or an iron fist are not the only elements of bullying. It comes with many guises….violence to inflict fear & inferiority, economic gaps, limited human rights & restrictive knowledge, injustice, starvation & enforced poverty…the silent killers of ‘bullying’. It can come as a ‘lone wolf or run in a pack like wild dogs.”

‘The destruction of man lies within the grasp of his fingers, the power he holds within his imagination & only the knowledge he has capacitated through time will conquer’ (Lady Gray 1974). It is often said that individuals who do not retain the knowledge & mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them in the future. Thus history in some form is always repeating itself.

Bullies are a rampant disease within mankind…no amount of research, miracle discovery or justice can abolish its existence. For every cure we discover ten more pop up!! Its extinction can only come from man itself.  I believe in strength in numbers & the recipients of bullying are more numerous than the stars in the Universe. We must flip the script on bullies! Come to the rescue of their recipients, support them & help strengthen them on their journey in life. ‘Pay it forward…Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’ Strengthen our characters & not pick up the torches of the bullies which harbor their many internal weaknesses. “What comes around, goes around many times tenfold”, life’s justice can be more powerful than any written by man.

If any of you are experiencing or observing bullying please bring it the attention of someone you hold dear, your parents, teachers or law enforcement authorities…you do not have to bear the burden & pain alone. Every human life is precious…each plays a vital role & is a link in the circle of life. Every time we lose a link, the circle of life is weakened & man carries the burden of the loss.

I thank you for allowing me to share some of my thoughts on this issue & disease. We can no longer look the other way at bullying & the tragedies it claims within mankind. We can all start by ‘doing the right thing’.
I leave you as I came with the nth amount of respect & love for life itself….

Lady Gray

“It would be nice if we could all check our hearts at the door…but we find they give us life.” Lady Gray

“There’s a heart behind the fool you see or the individual with differences from your own.” Lady Gray

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